Strona główna / SUNEKOS
This treatment is ideal if you have loose, thin skin and/or a loss of volume around your eyes. It is also suited to help with lines, wrinkles, crepiness, volume-loss and laxity on your neck and face. SuneKos can significantly regenerate your ageing skin and restore a natural-looking, youthful appearance.
- Rugby Warwickshire
Strona główna / SUNEKOS
This treatment is ideal if you have loose, thin skin and/or a loss of volume around your eyes. It is also suited to help with lines, wrinkles, crepiness, volume-loss and laxity on your neck and face. SuneKos can significantly regenerate your ageing skin and restore a natural-looking, youthful appearance.
Ideal for those who want to restore the naturally youthful look of your skin and improve signs of ageing, SuneKos is an injectable treatment that’s entirely different to filler treatments; this treatment uses a patented formula which combines amino acids (the essential building blocks of elastin and collagen) with hyaluronic acid. SuneKos regenerates the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) of your skin and deeply hydrates and plumps the treated tissue. This leads to ‘dermal biogenesis’. The result? A reduction in the severity of your wrinkles, hydration to both the superficial and deep layers of your skin, a desirable volumising effect and a dramatic boost to your elastin and collagen.
How is works:
Winner of the Safety in Beauty Innovation and Pioneering award 2019, SuneKos is a non-surgical treatment comprising of a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and amino acids which triggers a skin regeneration process called dermal biogenesis.
Whilst deeply hydrating and plumping the skin, clinical trials have shown that the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can activate bio-revitalisation from within your skin which results in plumper, smoother, firmer, more youthful-looking skin. SuneKos combines this HA with a special combination of amino acids which directly stimulates the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) fibroblasts which in turn rebuilds the living layer of your skin, called the dermis.
There are two types of SuneKos; SuneKos 200 and SuneKos 1200. SuneKos 200 is used to treat around the eyes, face, neck, chest and hands and is perfect for earlier signs of ageing. SuneKos 1200 is used in conjunction with SuneKos 200 if your skin needs extra structural support to improve sagging skin or if you have deeper, more advanced wrinkles. Your specific requirements will be assessed and discussed with you prior to the treatment.
This is a four-part treatment; each session is had 7 to 10 days apart. Each of the four sessions is an important part of the treatment process and your entire treatment will not be complete until the session is completed.
Indications that this treatment may be right for you:
- You are noticing lines and wrinkles.
- You have skin crepiness.
- You have skin that is lacking in elasticity.
- Your skin is thin and lacks volume and plumpness.
- You have dehydrated, sun damaged skin.
- You would like to prevent early signs of skin ageing.
Treatment Summary
- No. of treatments: Usually a 4-part treatment process with 7 to 10 days between sessions.
- Procedure time: Usually 30 minutes.
- Discomfort level: Very mild.
- Recovery time: Very little evidence that procedure has taken place, skin is usually recovered within a few hours. As with all injectable treatment there is a risk of mild swelling and bruising at the site of injection.
- Final results: Some changes can be noticed after the first treatment however, best results will be seen after your fourth treatment. Maintenance can be approximately every 6 months.
- Duration of results: Approximately 6 months depending on the level of correction needed and patient lifestyle. Maintenance treatment is suggested at 4 to 7 months intervals post treatment.
- Resume usual activities: Immediately for most activities. Avoid swimming for 48 hours and extreme temperatures for 7 days. Avoid massaging the area treated for 24 hours. Full aftercare will be provided prior to treatment.
Price list
The prices of other treatments are fixed on consultations.

Kosmetyczka i przedsiębiorca
Nazywam się Paulina Winnicka, jestem specjalistą kosmetologiem z 20-letnim doświadczeniem. Na co dzień pomagam moim klientom uzyskać młodszy, zdrowszy wygląd, wydobywając ich naturalne piękno i tym samym, poczuć się lepiej we własnym ciele.
Moja pasja do kosmetyków zrodziła się z osobistych doświadczeń, gdy jako młoda dziewczyna zmagałam się z atopowym zapaleniem skóry. W wieku 12 lat lekarze oznajmili mi, że mój przypadek jest beznadziejny i powinnam pogodzić się z pogarszającym się stanem mojej skóry. Jednak moja motywacja i zdobyta wiedza sprawiły, że wkrótce sama zaczęłam doradzać innym osobom z rozmaitymi problemami skórnymi. Doświadczenia te zainspirowały mnie również do stworzenia własnej, szerokiej linii produktów kosmetycznych.
Pomagając klientom, wykorzystuję najnowsze rozwiązania i technologie branży kosmetycznej w dziedzinach technik makijażu permanentnego i tradycyjnego, zabiegów na twarz, medycyny estetycznej, laseroterapii, oraz mezoterapii.
Our Parlour
While designing the Pure Harmony Clinic premises, we wanted it to be not only modern but, above all, convenient for our Guests. Cleanliness and hygiene are priorities to us, so that every Customer can feel safe and comfortable. We also take care of discretion, which is why every office is closed for the duration of treatments. No one has the right to disturb your peace. Everyone gets a delicious cake and a cup of hot coffee while waiting for the treatment. All this to, by entering our clinic, leave all the worries outside, and moving to the land of beauty and relaxation.

Zawsze cieszymy się, że słyszymy potencjalnych i istniejących klientów. Jeśli jest coś, czego potrzebujesz, po prostu zadzwoń lub wypełnij formularz, a my się z tobą skontaktujemy.
- Poniedziałek : zamknięte Wtorek : 9:30-17:00 Środa: 9:30-15:00Czwartek: 9:30-17:00Piątek: 9:30- 18:00Sobota: 10:00-17:00 Niedziela: zamknięte
- 56 Regent Street Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2 PS
- Warwickshire
- 56 Regent Street Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2 PS
- 01788 537176