Strona główna / AQUASHINE
- Rugby Warwickshire
Strona główna / AQUASHINE
What are the benefits of Aquashine Injection?
Your skin can benefit a lot from an Aquashine Injection. As mentioned earlier, Aquashine’s main component is Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid is known for its ability to alleviate dry skin and prevent fine-line formation. However, there’s more to it than that, Aquashine Injection can also do the following on your skin:
1. Stimulate Collagen Formation
As we age, our body’s collagen production lowers down, which explains why our skin’s elasticity is affected. This is why our skin gradually sags as we age. However, with such amount of Hyaluronic Acid injected on your skin, it stimulates Collagen Synthesis. This brings the collagen level of your skin back to its optimum level.
Collagen plays a huge role in improving your skin elasticity. It’s also responsible for strengthening your skin. With this benefit alone, you will notice a huge difference in your skin. But that’s not the entirety of it. Aquashine can bring you so much more.
2. Improve’s Skin Texture
As we age, our skin also does. It starts in our mid-20s, and from that point forward, there will be no stopping of skin aging. You may notice that your skin starts to get dry and fine lines starts to surface. You may also notice that your skin will not be as smooth as it used to be. Aquashine can greatly help you improve your skin’s texture.
Adding Hyaluronic Acid on your skin can boost your skin’s moisture. Aside from that, it also supplies your skin with the hydration it needs so your skin will no longer be dry. In return, it makes your skin soft and supple. You’ll also have a visibly glowing skin as the day goes on, after having the Aquashine Injection.
3. Reduces Large Pores
Not everyone has large pores, but it can be quite a nuisance for those who have this problem. One, large pores are not aesthetically pleasing as it makes your skin not flawless. If you’re someone who uses make-up, it’s more frustrating since your make-up settles on the large pores. It’s as if the pores are craters to be filled up.
Supplying your skin with Hyaluronic Acid can minimize your large pores. A study by Wei Qian from Capital Medical University and his team found that Hyaluronic Acid can reduce the size of your large pores. With your large pores reduced, your skin will look smooth and flawless.
Side effects
Does Aquashine Injection have side effects?
Aquashine Injection doesn’t have any lasting side effects. The side effects you’ll have only lasts for a day or two. After that, there are no side effects, so don’t worry. The side effects you’re going to experience are solely from the procedure. These are tiny bumps and redness.
Since Aquashine will be directly injected on the superficial layer of the dermis, tiny bumps will surface. However, after 24 – 48 hours, Aquashine will be incorporated on your skin. Thus, the tiny bumps will be gone.
As for the redness, it occurs since Aquashine will be injected throughout your skin. One vial will be enough to be spread all over your face. This means your face will basically get injected with Aquashine. This may sound intimidating and, for some, outright horrifying— but don’t get scared.
The needle used for this specific procedure is thin and short, so you will hardly have some bruising. Most doctors apply numbing cream or numbing gel all over your face to reduce the pain you’re going to be experiencing.
How long does the procedure last?
The procedure is relatively short as it lasts for only 10 – 15 minutes. As mentioned earlier, the needle that’s going to be used is thin and short, so there will be less bruising.
Price list

Kosmetyczka i przedsiębiorca
Nazywam się Paulina Winnicka, jestem specjalistą kosmetologiem z 20-letnim doświadczeniem. Na co dzień pomagam moim klientom uzyskać młodszy, zdrowszy wygląd, wydobywając ich naturalne piękno i tym samym, poczuć się lepiej we własnym ciele.
Moja pasja do kosmetyków zrodziła się z osobistych doświadczeń, gdy jako młoda dziewczyna zmagałam się z atopowym zapaleniem skóry. W wieku 12 lat lekarze oznajmili mi, że mój przypadek jest beznadziejny i powinnam pogodzić się z pogarszającym się stanem mojej skóry. Jednak moja motywacja i zdobyta wiedza sprawiły, że wkrótce sama zaczęłam doradzać innym osobom z rozmaitymi problemami skórnymi. Doświadczenia te zainspirowały mnie również do stworzenia własnej, szerokiej linii produktów kosmetycznych.
Pomagając klientom, wykorzystuję najnowsze rozwiązania i technologie branży kosmetycznej w dziedzinach technik makijażu permanentnego i tradycyjnego, zabiegów na twarz, medycyny estetycznej, laseroterapii, oraz mezoterapii.
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